
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

Rohan PhadkeRohan Phadke

Understand why employee satisfaction is crucial and how it influences productivity and company culture. Industry expert shares strategies to boost contentment.

Understand why employee satisfaction is crucial and how it influences productivity and company culture. Industry expert shares strategies to boost contentment.

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January 30, 2023
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

In the modern workplace, the level of job satisfaction is the one thing that helps people decide whether they want to look for another job or stick around. Some factors affecting job satisfaction are relations at the workplace, career growth opportunities, and autonomy, among others. 

According to Statista, 16% of employees who quit their jobs did so due to job dissatisfaction. This is a major problem for businesses, especially since the cost of replacing an employee is up to 33% of their salary. Employees seek an appreciative and respectful work environment as opposed to one where they constantly have to prove their worth.    

With this in mind, promoting employee satisfaction by improving overall employee experience should be a priority going forward. Satisfied employees are more motivated, productive, and engaged.

If enough employees are satisfied, the morale and culture of your entire organization improve. Therefore, as an HR leader, it’s so important to take employee satisfaction seriously.

What Is Job Satisfaction?

Our guest contributor, Rohan Phadke, Head of Facility Management and Real Estate, SKF India, offers insight into job satisfaction and the factors that influence it. He writes, “Job satisfaction isn't determined by just one thing; it's a blend of various elements that shape how content and fulfilled a person feels in their role. Firstly, the nature of the work itself is pivotal. When what an employee does aligns with their skills, interests, and values, it creates a sense of satisfaction. 

“Additionally, the work environment, including factors like office culture, management style, and how well you get along with colleagues, plays a significant role in job satisfaction. Equally important are opportunities for growth and advancement. When employees see a clear path for career development and learning, it tends to boost their job satisfaction.”

Top 10 Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

You know the importance of job satisfaction, but what are the factors affecting job satisfaction? Let’s find out! 

1. Work-life balance 

The pandemic has shown us how unpredictable things are. Gone are the days when it’s possible to ensure a strict eight-hour shift or sufficient vacation days every year.

These blurred boundaries and unrealistic expectations are not sustainable work practices. Resulting in employees feeling overwhelmed, and overworked, building dissatisfaction, and resentment leading to employees leaving. 

Workplaces with work practices that are rigid find it challenging to attract top talent who opt for employers who consider remote or hybrid working models. It’s important to embrace flexible work, part-time work, and leave policies that employees are looking for. 

“Compensation and benefits, including fair and competitive salaries, healthcare, and other perks, also play a crucial role in overall satisfaction and well-being. Moreover, work-life balance is increasingly essential. Employees appreciate organizations that support personal responsibilities.”

2. Health and safety 

In the modern workplace, safety involves several elements. Employers must ensure from a safety standpoint that the workplace has no hazards, provide ample health benefits to ensure they’re in the pink of their health to contribute to the business effectively as well as ensure they continue to remain healthy. 

Here are some ways to assure your employees of good health and safety: 

  • Pick a health benefits provider who focuses on better health outcomes
  • Focus on preventive care rather than curative care to make sure employees are always healthy 
  • Choose emphatic care providers who care for you because they want to and not have to 

Showing your employees you’re giving them the care they deserve immensely impacts job satisfaction. 

3. Company values 

It is unlikely that a vegetarian would seek employment in a meat shop, as their personal values would not align with the company. This is just for example's sake. In reality, issues aren’t always so apparent and clear-cut. 

However, when a person's values align with their employer and the overall workplace culture, they are more likely to be satisfied in their job.

4. Recognition 

While it feels like a given, despite consistent hard work, employees feel underappreciated. It’s demoralizing to turn up to work day after day, facing the same old and no one acknowledges you leave alone tells you what a great job you’re doing. Down the road, this leads to losing motivation and eventually quitting. 

A simple ‘well done!’ from coworkers or bosses can turn your mundane day into one filled with respect and value. When appreciation leads to encouragement, the ultimate result is reflected in the efficiency of work automatically. Therefore, the level of job satisfaction is always higher with increased appreciation.

“Recognition and appreciation for one's contributions further enhance job satisfaction, fostering a sense of belonging and validating individual efforts.”

5. Relationship with managers 

Effective managers have certain traits, which help their employees and teams do better. Rather than telling their staff what to do, they lead by example. They recognize strengths and weaknesses, treat everyone as individuals, and utilize people to their best potential. All this contributes to consistently high workforce morale and motivation. 

Besides this, they give out praise and recognition often for accomplishments and efforts, this keeps team spirit high. On the other hand, grievances are low, because employees know the door is always open to discuss any concerns that affect their ability to do their jobs effectively and impending satisfaction in the office. 

6. Payscale 

Wages and salaries are recognized as significant factors affecting job satisfaction of employees. Besides helping attain basic needs, money plays an instrumental role in upper-level need satisfaction. Payscale reflects how management views an employee’s contribution to the organization and recognizes and rewards the value that an employee brings to the table. 

When employees are not compensated fairly or in line with industry standards, you will find them feeling disgruntled, leading to poor performance and satisfaction, and eventually quitting.  

7. Working conditions

Considering employees spend a large portion of their time at work, it’s important to ensure they have a conducive work environment that aids their overall development.

By providing comfortable workstations, adequate ventilation and lighting, and a spacious work area, you’re aiding employees to easily carry out their jobs. This improves their health and safety, which caters to both personal interest and comfort and facilitates doing a good job, contributing to overall satisfaction.

“A stable work environment, coupled with reasonable job security, provides employees with a sense of assurance and confidence in their career choice.” 

8. Unique work styles 

A cookie-cutter approach will not cut it with today’s job roles. Every employee comes with a unique and fresh perspective, which they want to be appreciated for. As an employer, you cannot restrict employees or change the way they work to meet the demands of the organization.

Instead, businesses must realign their culture, values, and styles to respect employees' needs and work styles. This way satisfaction is much higher. 

Giving employees the creative freedom to run projects results in fulfillment, which means a lot to them. Rather than monotony leading to alienation and hence a dip in satisfaction. 

One of the gifts that workplaces appreciate the most is time. And flexibility is an excellent way to show your teams what you expect from them. 

9. Learning and career development

None wants to be stuck in a dead-end job, doing the same thing, the same way until it’s time to retire. Employees see more job satisfaction in jobs where there are clear pathways to move higher up, gain more responsibility, and a higher income. 

Offering employees the opportunity to acquire more advanced skills will come to your benefit. You’ll have a more aspirational and motivated workforce.  

Some ways to do this include offering to pay a part of the tuition for an employee's course, providing in-house training sessions, skills development courses, etc.   

10. Challenges and responsibilities 

Jobs where responsibility is involved always carry a higher level of satisfaction. It suggests that employers think employees are trustworthy and capable candidates. Conversely, without any responsibility, people doubt themselves and feel detached, causing dissatisfaction.

Similarly, it’s important to challenge employees; it’s associated with ability and capability. An employee feels that leaders trust them and their capacity to meet expectations. Hence, a challenging environment immediately raises the level of satisfaction. 

What Is The Most Important Factor That Affects Job Satisfaction?

The business world is fiercely competitive, making tasks such as recruiting and sales difficult. However, positive company culture can make these challenges easier to overcome.

This culture not only affects job satisfaction, but also plays a role in recruiting, employee morale, profitability, and sales. A strong company culture can attract potential partners and customers, and also boost employee motivation and productivity, leading to lower turnover rates.

Company culture is one of your biggest competitive advantages. Valuing employees in various ways, such as allowing flexible work arrangements, giving them autonomy in project selection, and encouraging them to take on new roles, will lead to higher performance.

A united team is more likely to put in the extra effort to achieve organizational goals. Thus, positive company culture makes certain that employees a more loyal to your business and satisfied with their jobs.

Get Satisfaction At Its Peak

Society has moved away from the ‘job for life,’ and ‘retire at 65,’ which was prevalent in the post-war years. Today’s market is all about the employee and their needs. Here’s where job satisfaction is both desirable and attainable. 

Making a few amends in your current organization can bring about a change with phenomenal results. Start small and slowly scale up.

As a first step, you can begin by improving the health benefits you offer your employees. 

With Loop, you will have a health assurance partner who focuses on preventive care, offers empathetic care, and eventually results in better health outcomes for your employees. 

This holistic approach leads to happy employees and gives them higher levels of satisfaction - a win-win for everyone involved! 

Our experts are always available for a quick call to help you understand the impact of health benefits and how it contributes to job satisfaction. Talk to us today!

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Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction
written by
Rohan Phadke
Head of Facility Management and Real Estate
SKF India
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