
Top 10 Employee Engagement Objectives In 2023

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Want to know about top Employee Engagement Objectives? Then this post is for you. This list of 10 Engagement Goals can help you in boosting employee morale

Want to know about top Employee Engagement Objectives? Then this post is for you. This list of 10 Engagement Goals can help you in boosting employee morale

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April 25, 2022
Top 10 Employee Engagement Objectives In 2023
Top 10 Employee Engagement Objectives In 2023
Imagine running a marathon, but with no end goals and objectives in mind! Sounds pointless, doesn’t it?

Similarly, even in your office, there should always be long and short-term plans in place, and you should have some company goals in mind.

Employee engagement is a concept that refers to employees not only doing their jobs well but being actively committed to their work.

This describes employee motivation, the level of enthusiasm an employee has for their company and their duties, and how emotionally invested they are in that. This level of dedication benefits their company in multiple ways, and thus, employers always seek ways to engage their employees.

However, this cannot be successful without proper employee engagement objectives and goals to achieve. By identifying your engagement objectives, you would help to set a clear, time-bound approach to increasing workplace engagement in your organization.

Quick summary

Top 10 employee engagement objectives are:

  • Increased Productivity
  • Better Employee Retention
  • Attracting Quality Employees
  • Goal Alignment
  • Improved Employee Health and Wellness
  • Better Teamwork
  • Higher Sense Of Belonging
  • Improved Presenteeism
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Increased Performance And Better Growth

In this blog, you’ll read about

  • What are the objectives of employee engagement
  • Why Are Employee Engagement Objectives Important For An Organization

What Are The Objectives Of Employee Engagement?

The objectives of employee engagement are the collective goals that you want your employees to achieve through engagement.

To improve employee engagement, it is crucial to keep these objectives in mind, so that you and your employees are on the same page about the direction you want your company to move.

The main objective of employee engagement is improved productivity and performance of your employees, which would lead to the collective growth of the company itself, which is why employee engagement strategies are important.

Looking For Top Factors That Affect Employee Engagement And Motivation? Check out this blog!

Why Are Employee Engagement Objectives Important For An Organization?

Employee engagement objectives are important for an organization because it is a key marker of many important factors, such as job satisfaction, employee progress, and a sense of belonging to your company.

Employee engagement handbook

Employee engagement handbook

A playbook for modern HR leaders to boost employee engagement with actionable solutions.

According to the Global Human Capital Trends survey, a whopping majority of 73% said that employee engagement and a sense of belonging was a key factor behind the success of their company, while an even larger majority of 93% agreed that employee engagement enhanced company performance.

Attempts in engaging employees, with no clear objective in sight, can often be misguided and misdirected and can result in a haphazard effort with no or little fruitful results.

Thus, we can see that having a fixed set of objectives for engagement is as important as employee engagement itself!

Let’s now look into why employee engagement is important to a company’s success here.

Top 10 Employee Engagement Objectives

Now that you know about employee engagement, and its importance and effectiveness, let's look into this, What are the objectives of employee engagement so that you can plan engagement strategies accordingly, to make sure you're giving your employees what they, and what the company, needs to grow.

1. Increased Productivity

This goes without saying: the more engaged your employees are, the better their productivity levels.

The more connected and attached your employees will feel to their work, the better will their productivity be, thus improving the overall productivity of the workplace.

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2. Better Employee Retention

With proper employee engagement, more and more employees would feel a sense of personal attachment and commitment toward their work, thus drastically lowering the employee turnover rate.

You can retain more and more talented and experienced employees in your company.

3. Attracting Quality Employees

By creating a culture of employee engagement and a healthy work environment, you can attract better, more talented recruits to your company and give them employee satisfaction, which would reflect in the overall better performance of the company.

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Recruit, Hire & Onboard like a Pro

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4. Goal Alignment

Your organization probably has principles and values that shape its culture and objectives, which employees work towards.

One of the primary objectives of employee engagement is to assist employees in understanding how their roles contribute to the attainment of those objectives.

5. Improved Employee Health And Wellness

An engaged employee is not only more productive and focused, but also less stressed about work. Stress is a productivity-killer and is detrimental to your employees’ health - both physical and mental.

The relation between employee health and employee engagement is circular - better health improves engagement and vice versa.

Why Health And Wellness Is Important For Employees? Click here to find out.

6. Better Teamwork

If all, or at least most, your employees are engaged and motivated, they would function well not only as individuals but as a team.

There will be smoother internal communication among employees and even employee-employer, thus enforcing a sense of camaraderie among them. This will help your company to run more smoothly, like a well-oiled machine.

7. Higher Sense Of Belonging

With greater engagement, your employees are more like to feel heard, acknowledged, and appreciated for their hard work.

Your employees feel that their efforts have a larger impact on the growth of the company, and thus would participate more in the workplace.

Here are 3 steps to create an employee recognition program, to show your appreciation for your employees.

8. Improved Presenteeism

Absenteeism is a silent factor that negatively impacts productivity and growth. Multiple and frequent leaves of absence disrupt company growth.

However, employee engagement encourages presenteeism, so that your employees are not only physically, but mentally, too, much more present in their work.

Workplace wellness playbook

Workplace wellness playbook

Effective and easy to implant strategies to reduce absenteeism

9. Increased customer satisfaction

Regardless of what company you might be in, customer or client satisfaction must always be your key goal.

If your employees are more engaged, they could be of better assistance to your customers, thus keeping your customer happier and more satisfied.

This means better reviews, and retaining more customers to your company.

10. Increased Performance And Better Growth

Perhaps the most important objective of employee engagement is the overall growth of your company, which is only possible through the collective efforts of your employees, and better performances from their end.

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Keeping in mind the employee engagement goals, you need to develop a thriving company culture and a sense of trust and loyalty among your employees. And for this, you have to go an extra mile by providing health benefits, wellness programs, and group health insurance to them.

Employees and their well-being are prioritized at companies with benefits and perks. Employees appreciate your efforts, feel engaged in their work, and thus, put forth extra effort in their work!

Download this ultimate guide to explore the latest trends in giving your employees the benefits they deserve.

Loop’s plan covers everything from virtual consultations with doctors to discounts on lab testing, as well as entertaining gym sessions, dentistry, and eye coverage.


1. What are the 3 key components of employee engagement?

1. Meaningful work: Employees who feel that their work is meaningful and has a positive impact on others are more likely to be engaged.

2. Autonomy: Employees who have the freedom to make decisions and take ownership of their work are more likely to be engaged.

3. Supportive culture: A positive and supportive company culture can foster employee engagement by creating a sense of belonging and promoting a positive work environment.

2. What are the foundations of employee engagement?

1. Opportunities for growth and development: Employees who feel that they have opportunities for growth and development within the organization are more likely to be engaged.

2. Fair compensation: Employees who feel that they are fairly compensated for their work are more likely to be engaged.

3. Strong leadership: Effective leadership that sets clear goals, communicates effectively, and supports employees can contribute to employee engagement.

3. What is the purpose of employee engagement activities?

The purpose of employee engagement activities is to create a positive work environment and culture that promotes employee satisfaction and productivity. Employees that are engaged are more likely to be motivated, effective, and dedicated to their work, all of which can be advantageous for the organization.

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Top 10 Employee Engagement Objectives In 2023
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Top 10 Employee Engagement Objectives In 2023

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